Monday, June 4, 2012

This Week's Harvest

I started harvesting the shelling peas this week. So far I've harvested about 2 lbs.

The vines were loaded with peas. Every evening I've harvested and then shelled the peas. I forgot how labor intensive the shelling can be.

We've eaten them with several dinners this week,

Also harvested this week were 2 Napa Cabbages. 

And the carrots that were started in a container indoors. These were the seeds that didn't want to germinate but finally did when the container was put outside. 

To see what other's have harvested this week head over to Daphne's Dandelion's.


  1. I would be happy to take all those shelling peas if I could - mine are blooming but far from massive productions like yours. And just look at those carrots! Napa cabages are great too!

    1. I'm so happy to be harvesting something almost every day now. I hope to have some left over to freeze for later.

  2. Wow, everything is looking great! My shelling peas are just starting. Hopefully we will get a decent harvest from the small amount that I planted. If not, there is always the fall.

    1. All of my peas were early varieties, I'm hoping to plant cucumbers there soon as the cucumber beetles seem to be everywhere at the plot. I'm also already thinking about which type to plant in the fall! I hope yours produce for you!

  3. That's a lot of peas! Looking back, I probably should have planted at least double what I did this year. It takes a lot of plants to get a good harvest!

    1. It does take a lot of plants, even with my nice harvest I wish I planted more!

  4. Nice haul! I'll be doing my peas in the fall this year.

  5. Wonderful harvest. I bet they tasted great.

    1. The carrots were so sweet, they didn't even make it into a meal. I just snacked on the until they were gone ;)
